There are quite a few music discovery resources available (like, the entire internet), but one that we love to use to hear new music before anyone else does is Radio Reddit.  Like it’s sister (parent?) site, Reddit, Radio Reddit is a user generated collection of internet stations, allowing musicians to upload their music as they create it and fans to listen minutes after the final mix was made. Radio Reddit also offers charts (for the competitive) and easy ways to connect to like minded listeners (for the social butterflies).  It’s probably already happening, but given Radio Reddit’s devoted and widespread fanbase, there’s probably a way to use Radio Reddit as a touring and booking resource as well.

Hey there,

Since we started The Standard Variety Hour (roughly) a year ago, we’ve done our best to feature the best new music, somewhat mindful banter and occasional interviews each and every week. (Yeah, sure— we’re still figuring out our “format”, but the “figuring it out” part has been an essential part of the fun.) And each week, the staff at community radio WITT 91.9 FM has been extremely gracious in opening their airwaves and hosting our show. We love community radio. We love quirky radio.  That said, we’ve decided to switch the lever and go podcast only.  The reasons:

#1: Kevin and I are entering that “busy” time of life.  Translate: we’re pretty bad at keeping up on the somewhat rigorous deadlines that a radio broadcast schedule entails.  Maybe we’re actually busier or we’re just getting worse at honoring our time commitments.  It’s likely the latter.  Regardless, there are pretty firm deadlines when producing a show for broadcast. When we don’t meet those deadlines, it causes us and the WITT station a lot of stress.

#2: See above.

#3: We can’t acknowledge that we are drinking beer on community radio.

#4: We’ve come very close (many times) to violating the FCC regulations governing community radio and putting the station at risk of losing their license.

#5: See #2 & #3.

So… given that.  We’ve decided that,  while we will continue to produce a weekly show, we need to relax our schedules a bit and allow for some flexibility that our schedule and emerging format dictates.

For many listeners, this change won’t matter much. In fact, nearly all of the listeners we’ve heard from through email, our call in line, or through random conversations have indicated they listen to the show through iTunes.  We aren’t sure how many listen to the show when it aired on WITT 91.9, but for the many who do (tens? hundreds?), we hope you will both continue to support WITT and download our podcast.  In fact, we have plans to return to the air and embrace the medium of radio for certain holiday and overly-adventurous shows.  Until then, we hope you continue to download our podcast and send us suggestions to





It’s our Discovery episode of The Standard Variety Hour.  This week: tunes you’ve most likely never heard but should have, most found through Sound Cloud.  We also feature discoveries made in Austin during SXSW and a Random Fact That Will Make You Sit and Think Quietly for a Few Minutes about the discovery of the first genetically modified vaccine (hint: what does beer, bread and the Hep B vaccine have in common?).

Hi all!  We’re back from SXSW and getting back to work on new Standard Variety Hour episodes.  In the meantime, enjoy #40 via SoundCloud:

On this broadcast, we interview Chicago author (and previous Hoosier) Nath Jones about her first book in a series of four, The War is Language. Her collection of 101 short stories is quite good, and we encourage everyone to download a copy of the e-book. We also salute Indiana Congressman Mike Pence as the first inaugural Jerk of the Week and prepare for our upcoming Polar Plunge.

Download SVH#38 from iTunes!

SVH#038 Playlist:

Fisherman’s Son – Port O’Brien
Sweet Darlin’ – She & Him
Sharp! – Casper & The Cookies
Secrets – Jenny Owens Young

Barnacle Goose – Born Ruffians

Circle ‘Round The Sun – Amo Joy

We’ve decided to recruit some friends for Team Standard during this year’s Polar Plunge, an annual fundraiser for Special Olympics.  We’ll be jumping into the frigid waters of Eagle Creek Reservoir on Saturday, February 26th.  Want to join?  We’d love to have you!  Want to contribute?  We’d also love you! Make with the clickies here!

As discussed in The Standard Variety Hour #31, we’re curious where everyone stands on the species barrier of edible meats (because we were discussing Eating Animals, a truly harrowing and thought-provoking book by Jonathan Safran Foer).   Given the chance, would you ever eat one of America’s more popular pets: cat or dog?  Have you?

The latest Christmas themed release from Standard Recording is out now. Like last year, this year’s A Very Standard Christmas, Vol. 3 is a digital download using the ever popular “pay what you want” pricing model.  All money collected goes directly to FACE Low Cost Spay & Neuter Clinic. It gets better:  donate $8 or more and we’ll send you a cassette copy, postage paid.

While we work on getting all of the shows updated on the page, consider entering our theme song contest.  We’ve decided we need our very own theme song, so we’re putting the call out for listeners to submit their theme song variations.  The Standard Variety Hour theme song should be upbeat, slightly quirky, and ideally irreverent.  Think you can pen a theme song?  Send a 30-60 second mp3 of your theme song to by 11:59pm, December 31st.

We’ll put the entries to a vote, and the winner will receive $100 (a paltry sum to be sure, but hey– we’re on a community radio station and that’s our budget), some gift certificates from our sponsors and some patented Variety Hour high-5s.

Hurry– send in your entry by the end of the year– 11:59pm, December 31st to be exact.  Send ’em to

original air date: 9/15/10

A Slice of Pi After Nychthemeron

During this episode of the Standard Variety Hour, we play Amo Joy’s latest album, a cassette opus called Across Nychthemeron, in its entirety to celebrate their upcoming release party this Friday, Sept. 17th, at the Melody Inn (free copy of cassette w/ download code with paid cover). Per a listener’s suggestion, the Random Fact that Will Make You Sit and Think Quietly delves into the Indiana Pi Bill.

Download SVH #15 from iTunes!