Hey there,

Since we started The Standard Variety Hour (roughly) a year ago, we’ve done our best to feature the best new music, somewhat mindful banter and occasional interviews each and every week. (Yeah, sure— we’re still figuring out our “format”, but the “figuring it out” part has been an essential part of the fun.) And each week, the staff at community radio WITT 91.9 FM has been extremely gracious in opening their airwaves and hosting our show. We love community radio. We love quirky radio.  That said, we’ve decided to switch the lever and go podcast only.  The reasons:

#1: Kevin and I are entering that “busy” time of life.  Translate: we’re pretty bad at keeping up on the somewhat rigorous deadlines that a radio broadcast schedule entails.  Maybe we’re actually busier or we’re just getting worse at honoring our time commitments.  It’s likely the latter.  Regardless, there are pretty firm deadlines when producing a show for broadcast. When we don’t meet those deadlines, it causes us and the WITT station a lot of stress.

#2: See above.

#3: We can’t acknowledge that we are drinking beer on community radio.

#4: We’ve come very close (many times) to violating the FCC regulations governing community radio and putting the station at risk of losing their license.

#5: See #2 & #3.

So… given that.  We’ve decided that,  while we will continue to produce a weekly show, we need to relax our schedules a bit and allow for some flexibility that our schedule and emerging format dictates.

For many listeners, this change won’t matter much. In fact, nearly all of the listeners we’ve heard from through email, our call in line, or through random conversations have indicated they listen to the show through iTunes.  We aren’t sure how many listen to the show when it aired on WITT 91.9, but for the many who do (tens? hundreds?), we hope you will both continue to support WITT and download our podcast.  In fact, we have plans to return to the air and embrace the medium of radio for certain holiday and overly-adventurous shows.  Until then, we hope you continue to download our podcast and send us suggestions to radio@standardrecording.com

